

133 posts

Monarch butterflies are officially endangered

by Newswire in Energy & Environment

Liz Kimbrough * The iconic monarch butterfly has been listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, meaning the species is likely to go extinct without significant intervention. * The number of migratory monarch butterflies has dropped more than 95% since the 1980s, according to counts at overwintering sites...

Desalination has guided water exchanges for Israel and Jordan. Could it play a role in the Colorado River Basin’s future?

by Newswire in Energy & Environment

Sharon Udasin, ENSIA The expensive technology has contributed to water diplomacy in an otherwise strained relationship between Israel and Jordan. Across the world, as the Colorado River supply dwindles, the U.S. and Mexico are exploring whether such tools could help quench their own shared border. August 17, 2021 — Editor’...

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